Finding The Way Through Curriculum A Virtual Mapping Workshop with Linda Suskie | Hosted by Weave

About the Virtual Workshop: Enrollment Information: To maximize interactions seating is limited to 12 participants (so be sure to sign up soon!). Tuition is $225; Weave members get a discount, just ask! Description: If you’re not teaching it, there’s not much point in assessing it! Learn why curriculum maps are increasingly considered essential to successful [...]

Critical (re)Engagement: Transformative Teaching and Learning for a ‘New Normal’ | 19th Annual Teaching & Learning Conference at Elon University (Virtual)


19th Annual Teaching & Learning Conference at Elon University Elon University welcomes university and college educators to the 19th Annual Teaching & Learning Conference on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. This free, fully-virtual conference is sponsored jointly by Elon’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) and Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT). Conference Theme: Critical (re)Engagement: Transformative Teaching and Learning [...]

“Teaching with AI” Conference presented by the University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida

You’re invited to the first nationwide conference of practitioners to discuss the use and potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on teaching and learning in higher education. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning and the Division of Digital Learning at the University of Central Florida have partnered to create a new event that brings [...]

Championing an Equity-Focused Approach to Student Success at the Community College: Empowering Students and Faculty in STEM

Santa Monica College

Santa Monica College, in partnership with the California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN), will be hosting , an NSF-sponsored one-day virtual conference (#2231669) that focuses on practices in STEM aimed at closing equity gaps for historically marginalized communities, including Black and Latinx students. This conference provides a platform to exchange ideas and knowledge, and to [...]

48th Annual POD Network Conference

In-person and Online

We invite you to join us this year as we Envision the Future: Developing Equitable Opportunities for Success (Educational Developer success → Instructor success → Student success) at our institutions. The 48th annual POD Network conference envisions what the future of educational development might look like amid rapid changes in our lives, institutions, and societies. As educational developers, [...]

Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching | “Evidence Based Teaching & Learning”

Miami University

Dear Lilly Conference Alums and Friends: We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 42nd Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching! We thank everyone for their patience. Join us in Oxford, Ohio, November 16-19, 2023, on the beautiful campus of Miami University. Register Now The Early Bird registration deadline ($50 off the [...]