UCLA 2020 Fall Teaching Forum

UCLA 2020 Fall Teaching Forum (September – October, 2020)

UCLA’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT), the Center for Education, Innovation, and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS), and the Excellence in Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms program (EPIC) have collaborated to launch a campus-wide forum focused on supporting all instructors and faculty with teaching remotely in Fall 2020. 

Description: Stretching over three weeks from September 14 to October 2, the 2020 Fall Teaching Forum: Leaning Into Remote Teaching reimagines several events held annually each fall–including CAT’s New Faculty Teaching Engagement event, CEILS’s Annual Faculty Workshop, and EPIC’s Ready, Set, Teach event. This new joint effort showcases success stories and lessons learned from spring quarter, and provides an opportunity for instructors to collaborate within and across disciplines as we all prepare for the fall term.

Please visit the UCLA 2020 Fall Teaching Forum website for a full list of workshops offered, as well as materials and resources associated with each workshop.

CEILS Workshops

Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator

Description: The premise for this workshop is to first examine one’s own racial identity development as a way to authentically prepare for teaching equitably and inclusively. In order to help foster a brave space for dialogue, these sessions were not recorded during the Fall Teaching Forum. We have, however, included the session materials, such as activities guides, as a resources for question prompts and figures.


Equitable Syllabus Design

Description: In this workshop, you will use structured syllabus review tools to help you assess and adjust your syllabus to be more inclusive and equitable. The focus will be on fostering an inclusive and equitable remote learning experience to mitigate the likely worsening equity gaps in higher education.


Concerned About Cheating? Join a Discussion

This session was facilitated by CEILS and CAT, with panelists: Muriel C. McClendon, Albert J. Courey, and Richard Wesel. 

Description: The goal of this workshop is to learn how we can: 1) Decrease the likelihood that students will be dishonest, 2) Minimize cheating without exacerbating inequities brought on by differential access to technology, 3) Motivate students to prioritize learning over cheating, and 4) Make sure courses are still rigorous if we change the type of assessments we use.


Creating Community Remotely

This session was facilitated by CAT’s TA Training Program and CEILS / CIRTL

Description: Through hands-on activities and small group discussion, this workshop helps attendees uncover best practices for creating community remotely. Learn more about available tools, investigate a variety of strategies, and think through how you might implement strategies in your classroom and life.


Effective Faculty/TA Teams

This session was facilitated by CAT’s TA Training Program and CEILS / CIRTL

Description: The session will be centered around questions of disruptions and difficulties that TAs are experiencing, how faculty and TAs can best communicate with each other, how to manage work expectations in this time of disruption, and how to function as a team in order to meet students’ needs.


Engaging Students Remotely & Equitably Parts 1 & 2

Description: Active learning and student engagement may look different online, but the remote teaching environment makes these techniques even more critical to having an equitable course. Learn about how faculty engage students online and determine which approaches are most appropriate in your course.


Equity-Minded Assessment

Description: The goals of this workshop are to understand how and why assessments should be made more effective and equitable, to take a look at the list of alternatives recommended by cross-campus committees, to determine the importance of aligning your assessments with relevant student learning, and adapt assessments for your own course.


Introduction to Gradscope

This session was facilitated by William Conley, on behalf of CEILS. 

Description: CEILS will guide you through an introduction to Gradescope, a tool used to help grade efficiently and equitably online. Learn more about how you can use Gradescope in your future classes!