The Physical Sciences Faculty in Inclusive Teaching (PS FIT) Fellows Program provides a facilitated community to support faculty in making evidence-based, sustainable, and iterative changes in their courses, creating more inclusive and effective classes, fostering a sense of community, reducing equity gaps, and ultimately working to become change agents within their departments.

The PS FIT Fellows Program is a partnership between the Division of Physical Sciences and the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS), with support from the Faculty Forward Initiative at UCLA’s Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

The PS FIT Fellows program award $1000 in funds to qualifying faculty who take the time to make their courses more effective, inclusive and equitable. It is an opportunity to be proactive in planning and designing a course and to do so with a supportive group of instructors and facilitators.

Physical Sciences Faculty (senate and non-senate) who will be teaching in Spring or Fall 2025 and want space and time to discuss ideas with peers.

We ask participants to start by attending the CEILS Annual Faculty Workshop or an equivalent; there will be three one-hour CEILS workshops in March 2025 that cover similar material. This helps all fellows start at a similar place in terms of inclusive teaching awareness and approaches.

Fellows are then asked to engage in five 2-hour lunches to discuss inclusive teaching approaches and determine which they want to adapt and implement for their own courses; they also survey students and/or assess implementation in other ways to reflect and iterate on these approaches.

Fall 2024 PS Fit Cohort

Name Department  Focus Course
Janine Baijnath-Rodino Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences AOS 181
Noah Garrison  Institute of the Environment and Sustainability ENV 140
Abby Kavner  Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 20A
Matthew Nava Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 176 and 172
Franklin Ow Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 30B
Eric Wu Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 20B and 110A
Marcus Roper Mathematics MATH 33B
Casey Johnson  Mathematics MATH 1
Danielle Schmitt Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 153C
Ryan Lannan Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 153A
Amy Mainzer Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences EPSS 9
Oscar Leong Statistics STAT 231B and 100C
Randa Reslan Chemistry and Biochemistry CHEM 17 and 20A

To apply to the Spring 2025 cohort, submit this form by Feb. 28, 2025.

Email Shanna Shaked at with any questions.

Learn more about the program expectations in the call for applicants.