CEILS Aspire to Equity & Justice Trainings for Teams & Departments

The CEILS Becoming an Anti-racist Educator Conversation Series reflects and creates space for discussion of one’s own racial identity development and how racial identity and other social identities impact our learning environments. With colleagues, participants in these discussions will spend intentional time on student-centered, inclusive and equitable, and anti-racist action strategies that can be implemented in the classroom and laboratory learning environments to work against the impacts of racism.

Participants will have multiple ways to engage including asynchronous reflections and synchronous facilitated discussions with your peers on the topics introduced.

Regardless of where you are in your anti-racism journey, we encourage all groups to start with our Becoming an Anti-racist Educator Conversation Series so that we can have shared language, build community in this work together, and take intentional anti-racist action.

Becoming an Anti-racist Educator Conversation Series

Learning Outcomes


  1. Reflect on your own identity and privilege
  2. Discuss how social identities and privilege impact the classroom and other learning environments
  3. Explore the definitions of racism, anti-racism, and race and reflect on your own understanding
  1. Recognize the impact of systemic and institutional racism and why we need to take anti-racist action
  2. Understand anti-racist and justice-oriented action 
  3. Notice the narratives perpetuated by racial microaggressions and the root causes that create them
  4. Practice acknowledging and think about how to interrupt microaggressions
  1. Practice interrupting microaggressions
  2. Discuss and identify strategies you want to implement to create a more anti-racist climate
  3. Create/Modify an action plan for taking anti-racist action in your learning environment
  4. Get feedback from colleagues

Design Justice

  1. Define and discuss design justice
  2. Recognize the relationship between design justice and anti-racism
  3. Practice implementing design justice principles to scenarios in different learning environments
  4. Commit to how you will use design justice principles in your own learning environments

How can we meet your needs?

We are here for you…

  • If your department is interested in a workshop series or select topics from the workshop series, or 
  • If you are in the process of implementing an anti-racist action in your learning environment and would like feedback or have questions, concerns, or
  • If you don’t know where to start. Bring your lesson plan, your activity, your current classroom framework and we can offer ideas to get you started. 

To get started or if you have other particular questions, concerns related to building a more inclusive, equitable and anti-racist learning environment, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at media@ceils.ucla.edu or by filling out the contact form.


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