CEILS Life Sciences/Physical sciences JEDI Curriculum Descriptions

Becoming an Anti-racist Educator (B.A.A.E) Conversation Series

The CEILS Becoming an Anti-racist Educator (B.A.A.E) Conversations encourages honest and vulnerable dialogue around the unpracticed conversations about race and racism. These conversations create space for discussion of one’s own racial identity development, understanding the implications of our racial identities and other social identities in our academic learning environments (e.g., classroom, clinic/laboratory, meetings etc.), and action planning. Overall, the goal is to cultivate an environment and practice that celebrates identity and culture while still identifying and working together against inequitable systems. 

The format of these discussions are 2 hour sessions, either on Zoom or in-person, and combine short lecture style material and in-person small group discussions. Participants are provided with handouts, pens, and a link to a digital copy of handouts and resources. Modifications of these topics to 1 hour sessions are available with minor adjustments to the topics to accommodate for the time allotted.

A detailed description of the conversation topics are below.

1.0: Exploring Identity, Privilege, Race, & Anti-racism

Participants will reflect on their own identity and privilege and how it impacts the classroom and other learning environments in which they and their students coexist. They will further explore the definitions of racism, anti-racism, and race. Finally, participants will reflect on their own understanding and evolution of their racial identity and definitions of racism. This conversation creates a shared foundation in understanding and language for the other conversations around anti-racism we offer. 

2.0 (prereq 1.0): Taking Anti-racist Action: Interrupting Microaggressions

Participants will explore the root causes of microaggressions and the narratives they perpetuate. They will also take some time to practice with peers (role-play) interrupting microaggressions and considering how they might be an ally in different contexts. (Note: this conversation does not discuss how to respond if you are the target of a microaggression, but we do offer opt-in/opt-out options for this activity). Finally, participants consider their response if they commit a microaggression and how to apologize and take accountability.

(prereq 1.0): 3.0 Taking Anti-racist Action: From Inclusive to Anti-racist pedagogy

Participants will discuss and identify strategies they want to implement to create a more anti-racist climate in their learning environment (e.g., policy and engagement, building in flexibility, cultural joy). With feedback and assistance from facilitators and peers, participants will apply what they’ve learned to create an action plan or modify a current action plan for taking anti-racist action. The overarching goal of this session is to walk away with a step in their plan that can be implemented within the next 3-6 months.

(pre-req 1.0 & 2.0): 3.1 Strategies for Engaging in Conversations about Racism

Participants will identify and discuss the fundamentals of facilitation and strategies to facilitate unpracticed conversations about racism. They will then apply these strategies to a case study example to practice facilitation with their peers, with an opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions. Finally, participants will commit to an action that they would like to take in the next 3 months to improve their facilitation skills, with the option of CEILS support and follow up.

(prereq 1.0): 3.2 Taking Anti-racist Action Using Design Justice Principles 

Participants will learn about design justice theory and its relationship with anti-racism. They will then critically examine what a design justice approach could look like in system design, curriculum, clinic/patient care, meeting structure, and other spaces in which they are leaders or contribute to leadership. Participants will identify challenges and brainstorm solutions specific for their particular use of design justice principles and leave with actionable next steps. 


Other Trainings currently offered

Mentor-Mentee Conversations (no prereq) (designed for 1st/2nd year mentees and their laboratory mentor pairs)

Faculty mentors and graduate student mentee pairs engage in dialogue on the topics of laboratory culture, effective communication, giving & receiving feedback, and aligning expectations. Using case studies from the nationally recognized CIMER (Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research) mentoring curriculum along with other communication and expectations alignment tools, mentor-mentee pairs work together to improve their communication networks and brainstorm mentoring agreements. 

Mentor-Mentee Conversations II: Cultural & Mentoring (in development – launch date Winter 2025)

Using a nationally recognized curriculum from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) paired with current literature on culturally responsive mentoring practices, participants will explore antiracism and cultural responsiveness through case studies. Mentor-mentee pairs will leave with foundational skills that are applicable for effective mentoring of diverse mentees. 

Train-the-Trainer This can be in the form of a group training or a consultation. 

Consultation: This is for participants who are looking for specific guidance on leading an antiracist discussion, course, or a plan/initiative that they will be implementing. CEILS facilitators will provide tools, strategies, feedback etc. as well as follow up after the implementation. 

Group training: Participants will provide material that they are planning to use/implement in a course, meeting etc. that covers a specific topic JEDI or topic related to racism/anti-racism. CEILS facilitators will provide tools, strategies, feedback etc. as well as follow up after the implementation. If discussed with appropriate advance notice (at least 1 month), CEILS facilitators can prepare to model and train how the conversation can be approached. 

B.A.A.E Training: This is for participants who would like to become a trained facilitator of the BAAE conversation series. Participants must have first been a participant for any part of the series that they intend to be a trainer for.